Young Boskalis

Young Boskalis

Are you under 36 years of age? If so, you will automatically become a member of Young Boskalis from the moment you join the company. As a club for professionals - starting their careers in various positions - Young Boskalis gives you the opportunity to build a valuable and fun network and share knowledge and experiences with other members. Young professionals are our talent for the future, so we’re eager to give you the space you need to develop and build a strong network.  


The purpose of Young Boskalis is to connect young professionals with one another. Young Boskalis organizes various monthly activities, such as visits to projects or vessels in the Netherlands, lectures on one of our prestigious projects, networking get-togethers, personal development workshops and active events like our dredging regatta 'Baggerzeilweekend'. The activities always take place in a relaxed and informal setting, making it easier to get to know each other well and come up with good ideas together.

For everyone 

Regardless of whether you’re a cost engineer, marine engineer, ROV pilot technician or IT trainee, you will expand your network in no time by participating in the Young Boskalis activities.   

We have active communities within the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and make connections with our hubs around the world.  

If you would like to know more about Young Boskalis, please contact one of the board members  at