Vincent Gourmelen

What inspires me to work at Boskalis?

Vincent Gourmelen (32) is currently working as a chief surveyor on one of Boskalis’ cutter suction dredgers projects. He travels the world to contribute to impressive operations that are changing horizons. “As surveyors, we are the eyes of the project and the eyes of the future.”

He ran into Boskalis while studying at the French engineering school ENSTA Bretagne. An internship for Boskalis in the United Kingdom inspired him to enhance his focus on applied science. “I loved the atmosphere of camaraderie within the project teams”, he says. “Now, 7 years and 16 projects later, I’m convinced Boskalis was the right choice for me.”  

Vincent’s working on a project in the Middle East right now, where he’s tightly orchestrating the survey process behind a complex shallow water dredging operation. A cutter suction dredger is used to extract material from the seabed, which is pumped to wet and dry storage locations. The cutting depth and stockpile dimensions must be spot-on for the project to run smoothly. “A huge but fun responsibility, as you never know what your day is going to look like”, he smiles.

High-tech equipment

“Colleagues call us ‘the eyes of the project’, as we rely on high-tech equipment to visualize everything that’s going on above and beneath the water surface”, Vincent explains. “More and more drone related techniques are used in the field, be it for airborne, surface or underwater vehicles. These technologies are becoming more available, affordable and accurate. So the safety and impact of our projects is rising to a whole new level, along with our clients expectations. These are exciting times to be a surveyor.”

Influencing tomorrow’s world

Team spirit and solidarity are key words to describe the Boskalis culture, according to Vincent. He really appreciates the horizontal communication lines and the open and direct way colleagues talk to each other. Another important phrase is pride. “I’m proud to be able to have an influence on tomorrow’s world. We install the next windfarms, we build the next ports and we transport the structures that are needed for energy resources for people around the planet. We definitively have a major impact on the future. That’s why I love my job and don’t see myself doing anything else soon.”

Do you see yourself traveling the world as a surveyor? Check out the survey vacancies for Boskalis’ offshore, dredging, and other operations here.

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